Thursday, 5 May 2016

The Remaining Africa Giant of the Jungle

 In most of Africa national parks they have one common giant wild animal which has survived for centuries in these world of human destruction,the Elephants have survive poaching and hunting from game meat eating communities from eastern Africa to southern Africa countries.
Their lots of myth concerning the animals as also during early Indian ocean trade their hides and horns were one of the precious commodity,some communities to have rituals about their waste as they use the Elephant dunk for superstition and black Africa magic.
Some of these giant creatures have adopted ways of protecting themselves by staying together most of the time and good luck animals activist have been to vocal in fighting against ivory trade,most of the national parks have been fenced and more rangers employed to protect these surviving remaining giant animal.
For our coming generation to experience what we see today then we as the citizen of these world today,we have to stand and say no to poaching and ivory trade,lots of animals have diminish and the few which are our pride need to be protected by all means for the benefit of many nations in Sub Sahara Africa earn cash through tourism industry and one of it's major source include the big five where by the Elephants proudly has became as one of the most attraction,
Lets all join our hands and protect these creatures before it's to late,only one word is enough,"No" and every poacher and ivory dealer wont have a chance to destroy what has been given to mankind freely without a penny.

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