Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The Greatest Africa Wildlife Reserve of Mara

 In the south west of Kenya a land blessed with the big five wildlife stands Masai Mara National Reserve,a famous and most visited national game park in Africa,with an area of 1,510km's and situated on the eastern Rift Valley area besides Serengeti park of Tanzania.
Here in Mara is also home to several wild animals and birds species,with its grazing grass along the valley on the banks of famous river Mara is where most of wild animals like to wonder as the river never dry and its a sources of life to these creatures.Mara river empty its water into lake victory and its sources come from the part of Kenya highlands and its on these river where the great world animal migration takes places along the Mara plains,wild animals cross from the Serengeti sides on Tanzania to Mara sides in Kenya through these river of life of Mara.
These crossing happened once in a year between July and September,its time where animals migrate in such of pasture before they return after several weeks,there millions in number and worthy for visitors to experience such a great migration happening .
The great five wild animals to are not left behind in these migration as these is the time to they follow there pray such that most of the time tourist catch hunting scenes and photographers are always busy from sun rise to sun set.Not only on the grassland but also on the Mara river it's not easy for animals to cross as the river crocodile are to busy to pray on the animals as there crossing the river,same weak animals to succumb to death when they fail to cross the river and die in river water.
One can easily tour Mara national reserve park right from Nairobi the Kenya capital and fly direct to the park or arrange a road trip,the best time or season to visit is between augost and September where these great migration takes place.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Three Finest Beach Along The Kenya Coastal

Diani Beach
These is the most finest beach found along the Kenya Coastal beach line,it's host some of the best Beach Hotels,Cottages and Villa's in East Africa and attract holiday makers from around the world.
With its shine sunny sands Diani beach is ranked as one of the top destination in the world,it's waters are warm during the day time and these is a real symbolic of a magnificent sandy beach in these tropical warm climate along the Indian ocean shores of East Africa Coastal.
Situated in the Kenya south coast in the flourishing tourism hub of Kwale county besides Ukunda shopping centre.one can fly direct from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi to Ukunda Airstrip next to the beach,there charter flights operating between the two destination such that make it more convenience for visitors,another alternative is to use the Mombasa International Airport then driving across the Likoni channel and straight drive to Ukunda which is less than 50km from Mombasa County.

Watamu Beach
Most visited beach by Mediterranean tourist with it's immediate town of Malindi nicknamed as "little Milan",these shows how persuasive Watamu is to it's visitors as most of those have visit the beach will always re-visit it again and again.
As one of the best beaches along the East Africa shoreline Watamu is famous for hosting fishing sports and a Marine national park besides Hotels,villa's and Cottages,here to is where divers have discovered the Chinese old dynasty ship which sink ed long time during the Indian Ocean early trade.
Watamu beach is to very safe and easily accessed as it has an advantage of Malindi Airport which has daily flights connection with Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi the capital city of Kenya and other airports,it's located in Malindi county in the Kenya north coast some 100km from Mombasa tourist destination.
Shimoni Beach
Located at the south coast of Kenya close to Tanzania,these beach boost one of the less polluted area with a quite environment where by the sounds of sea waves can be often hard from a distance.here Shimoni host few Hotels and Cottages besides it's historical sites like the Shimoni caves famous for slave trade and old local ritual which are no longer practised,it's inhabitant are the Digo tribe which is a sub tribe of the Mijikenda Community residing along the Kenya coastal and a visitor can to explore the Swahili culture and local foods
As it's located in Kwale county few kilometres from Ukunda and Diani beach area,a visitor can easily tour the area either by flying through Ukunda Airstrip and drive to Shimoni or drive from other destination through Likoni channel to Shimoni,these three destination are worth a visit and equal one pocket,a visitor would never regret,the best time is through out the year with exemption of June and July because of southern moson winds which makes the sea rough and brings strong currents and windy..